सरकार का पैसा आख़िर जाता कहाँ है? Understanding India’s Public Finance

एक आम इंसान के रोज़मर्रा जीवन में कौनसी लेवल की सरकार ज़्यादा माईने रखती है? बजट के ज्ञान से राज्य की सक्षमता कैसे समझ सकते है?

A Novel Attempt to Break the Language Barrier in Research

What are some of the challenges in delivering language of research to the language of people, especially when knowledge is produced in a language different from that of the people? This piece will explore the question through Accountability Initiative’s (AI) attempt to take Social Accountability theory, produced in English to change-makers and development professionals in the Indian grassroots, through its vernacular course.