What is Mapping Governance?
Mapping Governance is designed as an interactive, dynamic, and visual learning tool. The aim is to provide a holistic understanding of governance structures in social sector programmes such as education, health nutrition and others, across different states.
The MAPS use Accountability Initative’s research and on-ground experience over the years to help practitioners meaningful engage with government systems, leading to more strategic collaboration between civil society and government, and eventually better service delivery outcomes.
What does Mapping Governance include?
The resources available on Mapping Governance include what we call ‘Maps’. These are designed as visual learning tools with built-in interactive features to give you more information, as you navigate through them. Each Map looks at a different aspect of the governance story in a particular sector and state, and a set of 4 to 5 maps make up a complete bundle for a sector-state combination.
Roles and responsibilities of functionaries across levels and departments
Extent of decentralisation in decision-making
Complications and convergence in an extensive government network
Fund-flows and financing of services
Citizen-state engagement for better service delivery
Source Library
that houses the original source for all information cited in the maps
Short Quizzes
to help you recap your learning
Food For Thought
that will prompt you to think critically
Mapping Governance gives you a broad view of how the social sector services in India are governed, across different states. We have started with nutrition, but more sectors and states will be added in the future.
We know that government structures and processes change often. Some changes are small, while others are larger systemic overhauls. Keeping this in mind, Mapping Governance has been conceptualised as a dynamic platform that will be revisited and updated at regular intervals to keep the resources abreast with the latest developments. You, too, can contribute to this. Write to us with the latest insights from the field that you are noticing.
If you are interested in learning more about a particular state or sector, write to us at mappinggovernance@gmail.com.
Mapping Governance is an initiative by the Accountability Initiative (AI), at the Centre for Policy Research.
AI works on strengthening transparency and accountability in governance, through evidence-based research on state capabilities and public service delivery in India.
We provide the evidence to policymakers, development practitioners, academics, the media and work on increasing citizen engagement in policy making and implementation. Read more about AI here.
The Learning and Development team at AI aims to build and strengthen these nodes and catalyse change through structured learning opportunities – courses, workshops, experiential programs, online tools – that enable decision makers, service providers, and citizens to participate in and monitor social sector programs.
Conceptualised and developed by: Rajika Seth, Aamna Ahmad, Sanjana Malhotra, Sidharth Santhosh, Mallika Arora, and Shourya Dubey.
Mapping Governance is one of our many online learning offerings. We also offer offline and online courses in English and Hindi. Our courses empower citizens to engage with the last mile of public service delivery, equipping them with insights on topics such as understanding policy, state capacity, decentralisation, budgets, planning, and citizen engagement.
Start exploring our Maps with a Free Trial.