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Financing Nutrition in India: Cost Implications of the Nutrition Policy Landscape 2022-23

Avani Kapur, Ritwik Shukla, Tanya Rana, Purnima Menon, Suman Chakrabarti

Over the last few years, India has been implementing several nutrition interventions as part of its national strategy to address malnutrition and associated risks. These include nutrition-specific interventions that address immediate determinants of nutritional status, such as the provision of food supplements, Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) supplementation during pregnancy, breastfeeding (BF) promotion. They also include nutrition-sensitive interventions which cover underlying determinants of nutritional status, such as access to clean water, sanitation, etc.

This Policy Note aims to estimate the potential costs to deliver at scale (i.e. 100 per cent coverage) for a core set of Direct Nutrition Interventions (DNIs) for FY 2022-23.

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