
The PAISA Story

‘Let’s meet for lunch’. A decade back, whenever I heard that voice over the phone, it always brought a smile of anticipation. I did enjoy those lunches with my good friend, Yamini Aiyar. It was a welcome respite from the tensions and stress of office, a time to catch up on what was happening in … Continue reading "The PAISA Story"


The long road to PAISA 2009

Do development funds reach India’s poor? Back in the mid 1980’s, then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi famously guesstimated that of every one rupee spent on development only 15 paise reach the poor. 25 years on, and despite significant increases in development funds, the story remains largely unchanged. Administrative inefficiencies, poor targeting, high implementation costs and … Continue reading "The long road to PAISA 2009"


AI’s New Working Paper – ‘Enhancing Accountability in Public Service Delivery Through Social Audits: A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh, India’

Accountability Initiative’s new working paper examines the effectiveness of social audit as a tool to enhance accountability. Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, Ritesh Singh and Vinay Vutukuru  measure the impact of social audits on the implementation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the flagship employment guarantee program of  of India, in the … Continue reading "AI’s New Working Paper – ‘Enhancing Accountability in Public Service Delivery Through Social Audits: A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh, India’"


PAISA for Panchayats Policy Brief

The PAISA for Panchayats research project extends AI’s PAISA methodology to track fund flows and implementations processes at the Panchayat level. By focusing on understanding the state of fiscal devolution to rural local governments, this paper answers 2 key questions: What are the overall trends in fiscal devolution to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) in Karnataka? … Continue reading "PAISA for Panchayats Policy Brief"


PAISA for Panchayats Report

The PAISA for Panchayats research project extends Accountability Initiative’s PAISA methodology to track fund flows and implementations processes at the Panchayat level. By focusing on understanding the state of fiscal devolution to rural local governments, this paper answers 2 key questions: What are the overall trends in fiscal devolution to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) in … Continue reading "PAISA for Panchayats Report"