
PAISA: Social Sector Spending in Chhattisgarh

This study delves deep into the implementation of four important Government of India (GoI) social sector schemes in Chhattisgarh to evaluate the nature and effectiveness of public service delivery of school education and nutrition in the State. It seeks to answer the fundamental question of whether development funds reach Chhattisgarh’s poor children, and in order … Continue reading "PAISA: Social Sector Spending in Chhattisgarh"


Photo Essay : Six years of “PAISA”

दिनेश कुमार  “पैसा” परियोजना की शुरुआत वर्ष 2009 में हुई। 6 साल के अनुभवों को एक photo essay के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है।   शिक्षा अधिकार अधिनियम लागू होने के बाद विद्यालयों में भवन निर्माण से लेकर और भी बहुत सारे योजनाओं के लिए अनुदान दी जाने लगा | परन्तु जब विद्यालयो में प्रधान … Continue reading "Photo Essay : Six years of “PAISA”"


Do Schools Get their Money? PAISA 2014

Between October and November 2014, PAISA went to over 14 thousand government run elementary schools across India to ask the following questions: Did you get your money? When did you get your money? Did you spend the money? And if so, what was the output of that expenditure? The PAISA survey is conducted as part of … Continue reading "Do Schools Get their Money? PAISA 2014"


Dissemination Camp: Humara Paisa, Humara School

Can decentralization reforms meant to enhance school governance in primary and upper primary schools in India achieve the goal of universal elementary education that the RTE Act envisages? By decentralization, I mean providing access to relevant information (e.g. the amount of money  being pumped into the schools) and giving full authority &power to make decisions … Continue reading "Dissemination Camp: Humara Paisa, Humara School"


Rural Local Body Core Functions and Finances: A Study for the Fourteenth Finance Commission

The study assesses the status of devolution of civic functions, role of parastatals in service delivery, structure of the transfer from state to Panchayats.