Search Results for: paisa study
Teachers’ Concerns and how these Affect Students and Educational Policies
State planners need to get at the heart of what motivates teachers to put in their best at school and address their work concerns, before piling more responsibilities on them. A few months ago, my colleague and I conducted a focus group with seven teachers from a government school in Delhi. The discussion was … Continue reading "Teachers’ Concerns and how these Affect Students and Educational Policies"
Immense Potential of ‘Open’ School Data Untapped in India
Imagine knowing the details of how children are learning in classrooms and what facilities they are being provided in schools to experience a better learning environment. In many countries across the world ‘open’ school data – information on schools which is publicly available – are being used by parents and communities to either make the … Continue reading "Immense Potential of ‘Open’ School Data Untapped in India"
Unpacking the governance question in the classroom
Are centrally sponsored schemes in India a useful apparatus for public service delivery? How can citizens contribute to better governance? What functions of the government should be decentralised? These were some of the questions that saw heated debate at Accountability Initiative’s course ‘Understanding State Capabilities’ conducted at the Indian School of Development Management (ISDM). Spread … Continue reading "Unpacking the governance question in the classroom"
The case of Kallu Ram’s missing Swachh Bharat Mission money
Kallu Ram and his family were owners of a brand new toilet, it even had a flush, a first for this family from a small village near Jaipur. The family was excited about the new toilet in the house, but making this toilet had left them high and dry. When Kallu was first approached by … Continue reading "The case of Kallu Ram’s missing Swachh Bharat Mission money"
Seeing the rigor of Research firsthand
Output of research projects are very often received with a generous dose of polarisation. Those who propound the very same ideas that the research project unearths, support it vigourously in a manner that disregards even glaring deficiencies in the study, and those who hold contrary opinions refuse to see any merit in the project while … Continue reading "Seeing the rigor of Research firsthand"