
Demystifying Cash Transfers

In his 2011 Budget Speech, the Finance Minister announced the replacement of the Public Distribution System with the direct transfer of subsidies to individuals living below the poverty line[1].  What has ensued since is a disparate range of opinions on the issue in the mainstream media and policy and academic circles. The conversation around cash … Continue reading "Demystifying Cash Transfers"


How is JSY Performing in Backward Districts of India?

With a view to reduce high levels of maternal and neonatal mortality, the National Rural Health Mission launched the Janani Suraksha Yojana in 2005. This is an innovative conditional cash transfer programme to provide monetary incentives to women to deliver in medical facilities. This study evaluates its functioning by using a unique data set covering … Continue reading "How is JSY Performing in Backward Districts of India?"


The Data Explosion: Big Data and Development

Velocity of data. Quantity of data. Big Data. These were some of the terms that caught my attention after reading Laina’s blog on Data Governance. I was particularly surprised by the figure that showed the varied skills that a data scientist is supposed to possess. I wondered what it is about the new kinds of … Continue reading "The Data Explosion: Big Data and Development"


For RTE grievances dial 1

An essential pre-requisite to any rights-based approach is the necessity of ensuring its enforceability. What does a citizen do in case their rights are violated or not adhered to? Who does one complain to if the right is not being implemented? Despite two and a half years since the passing of the Right to Education … Continue reading "For RTE grievances dial 1"


A note from India’s book: on Pakistan’s Right to Education

Pakistan’s National Assembly passed the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Bill1earlier this November. Like in India, education features on the concurrent list in Pakistan -with the Federal government and provinces sharing responsibilities. Pakistan’s RTE Bill is a step towards making education free and compulsory for 5 to 16 year olds in those schools established … Continue reading "A note from India’s book: on Pakistan’s Right to Education"