Search Results for: paisa study
Mis-Management or Missing Management
Avani Kapur, Accountability Initiative Over the last few years, India’s elementary education landscape has witnessed a lot of change. On the one hand, there has been a substantial increase in financial allocations. For instance, allocations for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) – the programmatic vehicle for elementary education have increased from Rs. 15,000 crores in 2010-11 to Rs. … Continue reading "Mis-Management or Missing Management"
The Politics of Money: A look into the Finance Ministry’s crusade against Black Money
Aishwarya Panicker, Accountability Initiative The recently released ‘White Paper on Black Money’ by the Ministry of Finance was presented at the Lok Sabha on the 21st of May 2012. Having taken some time to read through the rather lengthy document, it seemed fitting for a few words to be written about the report. The report … Continue reading "The Politics of Money: A look into the Finance Ministry’s crusade against Black Money"
Empowering schools and school management committees (SMCs): Unpacking decision-making in India’s schools.
Since the early 1990’s School Based Management (SBM) has gained increasing popularity as a strategy for improving responsiveness and accountability in the delivery of education services. As a form of decentralization, the SBM approach involves the transfer of decision making authority over school operations to local agents (2). One of the principle function’s which is … Continue reading "Empowering schools and school management committees (SMCs): Unpacking decision-making in India’s schools."
Understanding Local Dynamics and Tracking Fraud/Corruption in NREGS: Notes from the 2nd field visit.
Continuing with our study on Social Audits in NREGS in Andhra Pradesh, I visited the Medak and Papannapet Mandals in March. The study aims to analyse the efficacy of the social audits as a platform to capture the universe of complaints and whether it leads to effective grievance redressal. My part in the study is to … Continue reading "Understanding Local Dynamics and Tracking Fraud/Corruption in NREGS: Notes from the 2nd field visit."
Teacher Absence, The result of prioritising inputs over outcomes
Teacher absence in India’s government schools is a well documented problem. Since the late 1990s, a number of independent studies such as the Public Report on Basic Education (1999 and 2009) and Kremer, Muralidharan et al’s 2004 World Bank report on teacher and health worker absence in developing countries have conducted surveys which assessed the … Continue reading "Teacher Absence, The result of prioritising inputs over outcomes"