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Explore AI’s Document Library

AI India

1 January 1970

Our website www.accountabilityindia.org is designed as a comprehensive source on the state of accountability in India with information on civil society experiments, accountability tool kits, and relevant research and analytical work.

An important component of the website is the Document Library. This is a collection of conceptual, analytical and empirical literature on the broad subject of governance and accountability from India and around the world. It is designed as a one-stop source of information for students, researchers, academics, practitioners and policymakers interested in these issues.


The documents are organized into different categories including Decentralization, Democracy and Citizenship, Service Delivery Reforms (Education, Health), International Case Studies, Corruption, Right to Information, Budgets, Media, and so on. Most of the documents can be downloaded from the website. Where this is not permitted/ possible, a link is provided to the website hosting the document or information is provided about how to access it.

Selection criteria: We monitor a wide range of publication sources regularly, including Universities, Research and Policy Institutes, NGOs and Donors. Materials are carefully selected by our research team to ensure that they are relevant to the topic areas, demonstrate good practice or significant insight and represent a range of perspectives. Only the most credible and policy-relevant research, toolkits, analyses and case studies are included.

We believe that a collection of documents such as in our library can be a valuable resource for student researchers working on governance issues. We invite you to explore the library and make use of it.

The Accountability Initiative Team

We regularly update the collection in the library. If you would like to recommend any new publications for inclusion, please email us at [email protected]. Please supply a link to the full text online if possible so that we can review the document and link to it. Alternatively, if you are the copyright holder you can send us an electronic copy of the document if you would like us to review it and possibly host it on our web site.

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