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Accountability Global News Scan


1 June 2010


A round up of accountability news and views from around the world.


USA: Obama Signs Law Supporting Global Press Freedom

President Obama signed the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act that will require the US government to draw attention to nations that tolerate or sanction press freedom violations.


China: US climate change envoy calls for more transparency

The US Special Envoy for Climate Change in Beijing called on nations to increase transparency to combat global warming, and raised prospects of China-US cooperation on the matter. China’s special representative said that countries attending the upcoming Cancun summit favour a legally binding climate accord by the end of 2011.


Thailand: Thailand extends censorship against anti-govt. protestors

After violent crackdowns on protestors seeking to topple Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, the government continues to expand censorship by banning publications, thereby reducing both media and government transparency.


UK: The public has a right to know the truth

Secrecy in government is often a feeble excuse for inefficiency, argues Bruce Anderson in his assessment of the Tories’ commitment to transparency and the need for a more accountable government in the UK.


Africa: A new dawn in Africa

Economies are growing, émigrés returning and attitudes towards corruption are beginning to change, bringing hope for a more sustainable future in this transitioning continent.


Pakistan: Pakistani Citizens Demand their Right to Speak without “Fear of Threats”

After a series of government bans on websites such as Facebook and Youtube, free speech and human rights activists in Pakistan issue a statement to stand up for the Pakistani citizenry’s right to access information and peacefully voice their opinion.


Australia: Council’s move to change Right to Information laws “suspicious”

Recent moves by lawmakers in Brisbane raise suspicions that the cabinet is attempting to subvert Right to Information laws.


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