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PAISA Track – The Curious Case of Missing Passbooks in Madhya Pradesh


16 December 2010

Under AI’s flagship project, PAISA a pilot survey tracking expenditures at the school level was launched from 4th – 9th December in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh. Over a two day period, over 20 surveyors covered 40 schools seeking information from headmasters on the grants received under the Sarva Shikha Abhiyan and the expenditure incurred over the last two financial years.The findings of the survey were quite interesting. In many cases, surveyors were unable to access grant related information because headmasters were not in possession of their passbooks. This was surprising given that these are public documents and should be available in the schools themselves. In the attached article, Swapna Ramteke a PAISA Associate with the Accountability Initiative shares some of the experiences of the survey and the curious case of the missing passbooks! The article is in Hindi.


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