We want your

Bribe Bandh


6 April 2011

We would like to bring to the attention of all our readers, an initiative called Bribe Bandh – which seeks to lobby with the Government to ratify the UN Convention against Corruption. India is a signatory to the Convention. But signing alone is of no use. The government is under no pressure to make its anti-corruption laws stricter unless it ratifies the Convention. 

What will happen if India ratifies the Convention?

– Politicians and bureaucrats can be jailed for trying to influence courts and cops.

– Politicians and bureaucrats can be jailed for favouring business houses or lobbies.

– Corrupt business people can be jailed for bribing; their companies will be punished too.

– Money earned wrongfully, through corruption, can be forfeited.

– Paying bribes abroad will become punishable under the Indian law.


For all our readers who are interested in joining the campaign, you can just click on the link on the Bribe Bandh page.


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