We want your

Public comments on Electronic Service Delivery Invited


21 April 2011

The Department of Information Technology, Government of India has uploaded the text of the Draft Electronic Service Delivery Bill, 2011 (Draft ESD Bill) on its website seeking public comments on its contents. The Draft Bill is accessible at: http://mit.gov.in/sites/upload_files/dit/files/DraftEDSBill_11042011.pdf

What is the Draft ESD Bill?

As part of the National e-Governance Plan several missions and projects are in place that aim to modernise government business and service delivery processes by using computers and other electronic devices.

More than a lakh Common Service Centres have been established across the country to provide servioce delivery to people through electronic means. These could be receipt of forms and applications, issue or grant of any license, permit, certificate, sanction or approval and the receipt or payment of money by whatever name called in a particular manner. Signature certifying authorities, Unique Identification (UID) number delivering authorities are doing their work. Yet several departments and authorities continue to deliver services manually. Any citizen who has tried to access any public service delivered manually knows how cumbersome it is. there is not enough transparency in the system and this leads to corruption.

The Government of India plans to bring in a law that will compel its public authorities and the State Governments to deliver all public services electronically by a deadline in the near future. if the Draft ESD Bill becomes law they will be compelled to do so. Electronic Service Delivery Commissions will be established at the Central and State level for aiding and monitoring the implementation of this law. The Draft Bill requires proactive disclosure of all norms of services that will be provided electronically. The Commissions are competent to receive complaints from citizens about non-compliance with the provisions of this proposed law. The Commissions can impose fines on Head of the Department or his/her subordinate for non-compliance with the provisions of the proposed law.

What can you do?

It is laudable that the Government is seeking people’s views on the Draft Bill’s contents. This Draft Bill is aimed at improving transparency and accountability in electronic delivery of public services. As it has a bearing on corruption and accountability it is important that people send their views to the Department of Information Technology on its provisions.   Please send your views to: abhishek at gov dot in with Draft ESD Bill mentioned in the subject line of your email. No deadline has been stipulated in the public notice accessible at: http://mit.gov.in/content/draft-electronic-service-delivery-bill-1


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