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ADB Report: Ensure Transparency and Enforce Accountability

AI India

18 March 2010

Implement priorities , monitor results, ensure transparency and enforce accountability” – that is the message of the Asia Development Bank’s 2009 report entitled “India 2039: An Affluent Society in One Generation”. The report talks about the need to rethink what the government does and how it does it. It specifically highlights seven facets of governance which are critical to the transformation of the Indian economy and society:

  • Create a smarter, more focused, agile and more credible government.
  • Retool the civil service to meet the needs of today and tommorrow.
  • Focus on the long term and open the public-private dialogue.
  • Support competitive markets and prevent capture of state organs.
  • Inculcate a code of self-discipline and ethical behaviour within the business community.
  • Implement priorities, monitor results, ensure transparency and enforce accountability.
  • Reverse the deterioration in political governance.

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