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The Wall Street Journal covers the PAISA 2010 launch


17 March 2011

“Accountability Initiative” in partnership with ASER and NIPFP, has come out with the PAISA 2010 report. The complete text of the report can be accessed here.

The PAISA national report tracks fund flows and expenditures under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. In 2010 the survey covered 13,021 primary and upper primary schools across the country. PAISA is the first country-wide citizen-led effort to track development expenditures. The annual PAISA survey is conducted through the annual ASER survey that tracks learning outcomes. For a more detailed explanation of PAISA, please check out the blog by Yamini Aiyar here.

The launch of this report was very well-attended and was followed by a panel discussion consisting of eminent personalities – Mr Nandan Nilekani, Mr B.J.Panda, Mr Madhav Chavan, Mr Raghunandan. The session was moderated by Mr Sudipto Mundle. The discussion focused on how PAISA methodogy can be used to track funds in a number of different government schemes and also on how outcomes in education can be improved. The launch was also covered by the Wall Street Journal. Their interview with Yamini Aiyar can be found here.

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