Community-based Rural Frontline Workers in the Pandemic

From November 2020-January 2021, we carried out a research study in two districts each of Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. The study aimed to capture the experiences of Frontline Workers (FLWs) and their new challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this podcast episode, two researchers involved in the study – Sanaya Sinha and Udit Ranjan – unpack … Continue reading "Community-based Rural Frontline Workers in the Pandemic"


पॉलिसी बज़्ज़

विभिन्न कल्याणकारी योजनाओं में क्या घटित हो रहा है, इसको लेकर आपको हर 15 दिन के अंदर यह पॉलिसी बज़्ज़ अपडेट करता है |   नीतियों से सबंधित खबरें केंद्र सरकार ने 14 मई 2021 को प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना की आठवीं किस्त वितरित की । वित्तीय वर्ष 2021-22 के लिए यह PM-KISAN की पहली किस्त थी । … Continue reading "पॉलिसी बज़्ज़"


‘Don’t Think My Child has Learnt Much through Online Classes’

The ‘Inside Districts’ series launched in April 2020 is a one-of-its-kind attempt to capture the experiences of district and Block-level officials, panchayat functionaries, beneficiaries, and frontline workers, on their challenges and best practices. This interview was conducted with a parent in Solan, Himachal Pradesh in Hindi on 1 March 2021, and has been translated.   … Continue reading "‘Don’t Think My Child has Learnt Much through Online Classes’"


‘Private and Government Hospitals are Completely Occupied; It Is Difficult to Find a Bed’

The ‘Inside Districts’ series launched in April 2020 is a one-of-its-kind attempt to capture the experiences of district and Block-level officials, panchayat functionaries, beneficiaries, and frontline workers, on their challenges and best practices. As the second wave hits India in 2021, and given the unprecedented situation, we will also be capturing the experiences of staff … Continue reading "‘Private and Government Hospitals are Completely Occupied; It Is Difficult to Find a Bed’"


‘हम और हमारी सरकार’ ऑनलाइन कोर्स के बारे में अहम बातें

भारत एक विशाल देश है और सभी लोगों तक मूलभूत सेवाएं पहुँचाने के लिए केंद्र एवं राज्य सरकारें अनेकों योजनायें बनाती हैं | लेकिन इसके बावजूद भी बहुत से नागरिकों तक सरकारी सेवाएं नहीं पहुँच पाती हैं | सभी नागरिकों तक सरकारी सेवाएं पहुँचाना चुनौतीपूर्ण क्यों हैं ? एकाउंटेबिलिटी इनिशिएटिव द्वारा शुरू किया गया ‘हम … Continue reading "‘हम और हमारी सरकार’ ऑनलाइन कोर्स के बारे में अहम बातें"