
Sleuthing Urban Local Body Finances

India is fast urbanising; there is no need to use statistics to prove that, they are plentiful and available in granular detail. A Census is due this year, and when the statistics are available, we will have an idea of the decadal growth in the twenty-teens. In many states, particularly in the west and the … Continue reading "Sleuthing Urban Local Body Finances"


Understanding Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation, and its Limitations

Why are many countries unable to accelerate their growth and development? This longstanding question, pivotal to the field of economics, continues to defy consensus. A recent diagnosis – offered by Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett and Michael Woolcock at Harvard University – says that developing countries have limited capacity for implementing policies effectively. Their solution is … Continue reading "Understanding Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation, and its Limitations"


Tracking Finances under Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram

The Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) is an adolescent health programme within the ambit of the National Health Mission (NHM). This study focusses on the expenditures and fund flows of RKSK in Sitapur district of Uttar Pradesh. Don’t have time to go through the report? Watch this video.


How Nutrition Frontline Workers Went Above and Beyond During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Over the last year, Frontline Workers (FLWs) such as Anganwadi Workers (AWWs), Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) have found themselves at the forefront of combating the pandemic. This is not surprising, as these three FLW roles have been the backbone of public healthcare and nutrition delivery in rural India even … Continue reading "How Nutrition Frontline Workers Went Above and Beyond During the COVID-19 Pandemic"


‘There is Comfort in Knowing that I am Financially Independent’

This interview was conducted as a part of a research study funded by the Azim Premji University under the COVID-19 Research Funding Programme 2020. The study delves into the experiences of frontline workers in Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was conducted with an ASHA in Udaipur, Rajasthan on 13 January 2021 … Continue reading "‘There is Comfort in Knowing that I am Financially Independent’"