
पॉलिसी बझः कोरोना व्हायरस-फोकस पाचवी आवृत्ती

कल्याणकारी धोरणात जे घडत आहे त्या प्रत्येक पंधरवड्यात प्रकाशित झालेल्या बातम्यांच्या निवडीसह अद्ययावत रहा. सध्याची आवृत्ती भारतातील कोरोनाव्हायरस (साथीचा रोग) सर्व देशभर (किंवा खंडभर) असलेला यावर लक्ष केंद्रित करते आणि सरकार वाढ थांबविण्यासाठी करत असलेले प्रयत्न.   धोरण बातमी देशव्यापी लॉकडाउन 31 मे 2020 पर्यंत वाढविण्यात आले असून लवकरच मार्गदर्शक तत्त्वे अपेक्षित आहेत. अर्थमंत्री निर्मला … Continue reading "पॉलिसी बझः कोरोना व्हायरस-फोकस पाचवी आवृत्ती"


Work Remains Unchanged but the Risk has Increased: Auxiliary Nurse Midwife in Maharashtra

The ‘Inside Districts’ series launched in April was a one-of-its-kind attempt to capture the experiences of district and Block-level officials, panchayat functionaries and frontline workers, on their challenges and best practices. As India enters the fourth phase of a country-wide lockdown, we went back to some interviewees to understand how their situation has changed. Among … Continue reading "Work Remains Unchanged but the Risk has Increased: Auxiliary Nurse Midwife in Maharashtra"


Adequate Financing Options Key to How States Respond to COVID-19

State finances were under stress even prior to the COVID-19 crisis and the pandemic has resulted in a further hit to their revenue earnings.


Indian States are Short of Money. They Need Help.

Changes of the past six years had put their finances in a precarious position. The current measures aren’t enough.


Indian States are Short of Money

Recent changes in India’s fiscal architecture — “including the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime, and increase in state shares for the Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSSs)” — have put the states in these trying conditions before the pandemic even hit.