
Inside Districts Series: Voice of a Block Medical Officer in Himachal Pradesh

As the Coronavirus pandemic sweeps through India, districts are being tapped by the government for timely detection and reporting of cases, and prevention. Our ‘Inside Districts’ series will feature interviews of district and Block-level officials, panchayat functionaries and frontline workers to understand their challenges and best practices. The Accountability Initiative at the Centre for Policy … Continue reading "Inside Districts Series: Voice of a Block Medical Officer in Himachal Pradesh"


Post COVID-19, India Needs Increased Focus on Air Quality

The coronavirus crisis necessitates making health and social protection a priority. But we must not lose momentum on the strides made in tackling air pollution.


Securing ‘Direct’ Welfare in a Pandemic

The Government of India last month promised a Rs 1.7 lakh crore relief package to weaken the blow from COVID-19. Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT) will be the mainstay mechanism of Pradhan Mantri Gareeb Kalyan Yojana’s disbursal announced as part of the package. As per a tweet by the Ministry of Finance on 19th April, over … Continue reading "Securing ‘Direct’ Welfare in a Pandemic"


पॉलिसी बझः कोरोना व्हायरस-फोकस तिसरी आवृत्ती

कल्याणकारी धोरणात जे घडत आहे त्या प्रत्येक पंधरवड्यात प्रकाशित झालेल्या बातम्यांच्या निवडीसह अद्ययावत रहा. सध्याची आवृत्ती भारतातील कोरोनाव्हायरस (साथीचा रोग) सर्व देशभर (किंवा खंडभर) असलेला यावर लक्ष केंद्रित करते आणि सरकार वाढ थांबविण्यासाठी करत असलेले प्रयत्न.   नीति समाचार जरी देशव्यापी लॉकडाउन 3 मे 2020 पर्यंत वाढविण्यात आला, तरी ही मनरेगा आणि शेतीशी संबंधित इतर … Continue reading "पॉलिसी बझः कोरोना व्हायरस-फोकस तिसरी आवृत्ती"


Inside Districts Series: Voice of an Anganwadi Worker in Maharashtra

As the Coronavirus pandemic sweeps through India, districts are being tapped by the government for timely detection and reporting of cases, and prevention. Our ‘Inside Districts’ series will feature interviews of Block-level officials, panchayat functionaries and frontline workers to understand their challenges and best practices. The Accountability Initiative at the Centre for Policy Research is … Continue reading "Inside Districts Series: Voice of an Anganwadi Worker in Maharashtra"