‘Receiving My Routine Vaccines’

The ‘Inside Districts’ series launched in April 2020 is a one-of-its-kind attempt to capture the experiences of district and Block-level officials, panchayat functionaries, beneficiaries, and frontline workers, on their challenges and best practices.

This interview was conducted with an Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Beneficiary in Osmanabad, Maharashtra in Hindi on 29 May 2021, and has been translated.


Q: From the beginning of this year, have you been receiving Anganwadi services regularly?

Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Beneficiary: Yes, we have been receiving the services at our Anganwadi centre regularly. We did not receive the Take Home Ration (THR) last month, but then this month we received the THR for two months.

I am pregnant and I am receiving my routine vaccines on time every month. Anganwadi workers also visit us at home.

Q: Have you been informed about your COVID-19 vaccination?

ICDS Beneficiary: Yes, we have been informed about the vaccination drive. However, I have not been asked to take the vaccine as of now. I will be told when it’s my turn.

All my other family members have been asked to take the vaccine. My mother-in-law did not take the vaccine. She has blood pressure issues and that is why she is scared of getting vaccinated. My husband wants to get vaccinated but he is in the 18-44 years of age category, and that is why he is not able to find available slots.

Q: During the second wave, did you receive free ration?

ICDS Beneficiary: We received THR from the Anganwadi centre but no ration was distributed under the Public Distribution System (PDS) in the village during the second wave. Last year, during the nationwide lockdown, we received ration under PDS.


More experiences can be found on the dedicated Inside Districts platform.

Policy Buzz

Keep up-to-date with all that is happening in welfare policy with this curated selection of news, published every fortnight.


Policy News

  • The Supreme Court has directed all states and Union Territories to implement the One Nation, One Ration Card system by July 31.
  • The Uttar Pradesh government plans to release its new Population Policy 2021-30 on July 11, World Population Day. The policy is likely to incentivise people who will help in population control.
  • The Union government has announced the formation of a separate Ministry of Cooperation, a subject that till now was looked after by the Ministry of Agriculture.


  • In order to bridge the learning gap due to COVID-induced lockdown, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) gave its nod to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education to provide technical assistance for satellite TV classrooms.
  • The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) are collaborating to introduce a financial literacy curriculum for students of Class VI.

Other News

  • According to a report titled “The Hunger Virus Multiplies” by Oxfam, the death toll from famine outpaces that of COVID-19.

Rationalisation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes: Divergence between the 15th Finance Commission and the Union Government

Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSSs) are a critical component of public policy leveraged by the Union government to ensure a minimum welfare standard for all citizens. These have grown to 131 schemes over the years, accompanied by a rise in the quantum of funds allocated by the Union government. But there are concerns that the schemes limit the fiscal space available to states as they too have to contribute funds. This blog discusses how, despite the recommendations of successive Finance Commissions, recent measures to modify such schemes have not focussed on bringing down the states’ burden. 

Essentially, scheme rationalisation is aimed at efficiently utilising limited budgetary resources available with the Union and state governments. Several Finance Commissions have intended to address the proliferation of CSSs, with the latest – the 15th Finance Commission making substantial recommendations on rationalising the schemes. 


Why Have There Been Demands for Rationalisation?

CSSs work on the principle of matching contributions between the Union and state governments. Over the years, state governments have insisted on rationalising CSSs as this would free up their limited funds.

The release of funds under CSSs are not formula-based, as is the case with tax devolution and Finance Commission grants. Instead, the funds are released if states meet certain conditions.

Additionally, CSSs aim at achieving a minimum welfare standard across the country (among other, more specific objectives), and they often do not factor in state-specific needs and contexts. 

A look at scheme rationalisation attempts in recent years can also be helpful. The 13th Finance Commission held the view that the number of CSSs should be reduced since states are required to contribute to the CSS pool of funds as well, straining their overall fiscal resources. Instead, the Commission recommended greater significance to formula-based Plan transfers. [1]

The 14th Finance Commission too recommended revising the institutional mechanism for transferring funds from the Union to the states through CSSs to reduce the Union government’s discretion and foster cooperative federalism. [2]

Subsequently, to rationalise CSSs, a Sub-Group of Chief Ministers was constituted in 2015. A reshaping of CSSs into 28 Umbrella schemes was carried out by them — with six ‘Core of the Core’, 20 ‘Core’ and two ‘Optionalschemes. This was done in order to enhance the impact of the CSSs, maintain their budget allocation, and grant states flexibility on scheme implementation. [3]

The 15th Finance Commission has called for discontinuing schemes that are small or no longer necessary, and instead putting in place a minimum budget threshold allocation for a CSS (guidelines on the threshold are yet to be issued). Where the budget allocation falls below the threshold, the concerned department will have to specify the rationale for continuing the scheme. This is because, at present, there are many sub-schemes with relatively small budget allocations, leading to limited efficacy and impact. 


Rationalisation versus Restructuring

The Ministry of Finance has identified a total of 131 CSSs that are currently in place (comprising several ‘Umbrella’ schemes and, within those, numerous sub-schemes). The Union Budget for FY 2020-21 indicates that, out of 30 Umbrella schemes, 15 schemes account for 90 per cent of the total budgetary allocation for CSSs. 

In response to the 15th Finance Commission’s recommendations, Expenditure Secretary T. V. Somanathan expressed the intention of the Union government to bring down the number of CSSs in FY 2022 by one-third. [4] However, media reports suggest that the government may not curtail the overall budget for CSSs instead, funds may be reallocated to schemes that remain operational. [5]

One way to understand the impact of the expected policy decision is through the distinction between scheme ‘rationalisation’ and ‘restructuring’ as made by Bibek Debroy, Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Economic Council. He argues that the Union government has usually resorted to the latter. In his view, rationalisation would provide grounds for the existence of schemes, resulting in continuation of pertinent schemes and eliminating extraneous ones. It would, therefore, go several steps further than reorganising existing schemes. [6] 

The allocation under CSSs has risen by nearly 13 per cent in the FY 2021-22 budget estimates (BEs) as compared with those of the previous financial year. At the same time, tax devolution in the FY 2021-22 BE was 15 per cent lower than the BE for the previous FY, showing a decline in untied fund transfers.

Recent examples of the streamlining of schemes also indicate that the emphasis has been on restructuring schemes, rather than reigning in the overall budget allocation for CSSs

In April 2018, the Union government launched Samagra Shiksha under the Ministry of Education. In FY 2019-20, three erstwhile school education schemes were subsumed under Samagra Shiksha, namely: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), and Teachers’ Training and Adult Education (TT & AE). Prior to the restructuring, the combined budget allocation for SSA, RMSA and TT & AE stood at ₹31,123 crores in FY 2018-19 BE. 

Since the restructuring, the allocation for Samagra Shiksha increased in the subsequent years — to ₹36,322 crores in FY 2019-20 BE and ₹38,751 crores in FY 2020-21 BE. It declined for the first time only in FY 2021-22 – by 20 per cent – which is likely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This suggests that focus was on combining schemes, and not to reduce the overall budget allocation. 


Streamlining of the Flagship Schemes of the Ministry of Education


The government has also reshaped flagship schemes under the Ministry of Women and Child Development in the current budget. Two of the Core schemes (Umbrella ICDS, and Mission for Protection and Empowerment of Women) have been reconstituted into three new Core schemes (Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0, Mission VATSALYA, and Mission Shakti).


Streamlining of Flagship Schemes of the Ministry of Women and Child Development

Modifications to CSSs post the 14th Finance Commission recommendations led states to spend more on these schemes, raising the burden on their resources. The recent steps taken by the Union government too are better understood as a restructuring. Rationalisation of CSSs, on the other hand, can result in greater autonomy and fiscal space available to states.

Sharad and Udit are Senior Research Associates at the Accountability Initiative. 


Also Read: The 15th Finance Commission and Changes in the Devolution Formula: Which States Stand to Lose?


[1] Formula-based transfers are distributed among states according to a normative framework. A formula is used to assess the needs and differences in the revenue capabilities of states. These are unconditional grants – thus, giving states the autonomy to allocate their budgets, and decide their own activities and expenditures. 

[2] Report of the 14th Finance Commission. Retrieved from URL: <https://fincomindia.nic.in/writereaddata/html_en_files/oldcommission_html/fincom14/others/14thFCReport.pdf>

[3] Highlights and Major Recommendations: Sub-group of Chief Ministers – Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Retrieved from URL: <http://niti.gov.in/sites/default/files/2019-08/HIGHLIGHTS.pdf>

[4] Hindustan Times (2021). “15th Finance Commission Recommendations: Centrally funded plans face the axe”. Retrieved from URL: <https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/15th-finance-commission-recommendations-centrally-funded-plans-face-the-axe-101612317450012.html>

[5] The Print (2021). “‘Money is scarce’ — Modi govt set to axe about 40 schemes that ‘have lost relevance’”. Retrieved from URL: <https://theprint.in/india/governance/money-is-scarce-modi-govt-set-to-axe-about-40-schemes-that-have-lost-relevance/597926/>

[6] Financial Express (2019). “Restructuring of centrally sponsored schemes cannot be done without consultation with states”. Retrieved from URL: <https://www.financialexpress.com/opinion/centrally-sponsored-schemes-restructuring-cannot-be-done-without-consultation-with-states/1703515/>

पॉलिसी बझ

कल्याणकारी धोरणात जे घडत आहे त्या प्रत्येक पंधरवड्यात प्रकाशित झालेल्या बातम्यांच्या निवडीसह अद्ययावत रहा.


कोरोना संबंधित बातम्या

  • अल्पसंख्याक व्यवहार मंत्रालयाने विविध सामाजिक-शैक्षणिक संस्थांच्या सहकार्याने ग्रामीण आणि दुर्गम भागातील कोविड -19 लसीकरणाबद्दल जनजागृती करण्यासाठी ‘जान है तो जहां है’ या नावाने देशव्यापी मोहीम राबविली आहे.
  • कोविड -19 ट्रीटमेंटसाठी नियोक्ताने कर्मचार्‍यांला दिलेली रक्कम आयकरातून सूट देण्यात येईल, असे सरकारने जाहीर केले आहे.
  • सरकारने देशभरात एक लाखांहून अधिक कोविड 19 फ्रंटलाइन कामगारांना कौशल्य आणि कौशल्य विकास मिळविण्यासाठी ‘कस्टमाइज्ड क्रॅश कोर्स प्रोग्राम’ सुरू केला आहे.

शिक्षण संबंधित बातम्या

  • शाळा बंद दरम्यान पालकांनी घर-आधारित शिक्षणात सहभागासाठी मार्गदर्शक तत्त्वे सरकारने जारी केली आहेत.
  • नॅशनल कौन्सिल ऑफ एप्लाइड इकॉनॉमिक रिसर्च (एनसीएईआर) आणि केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षण मंडळाने (सीबीएसई) सीबीएसई-संलग्न शाळांमधील कौशल्य कार्यक्रमांचे अपग्रेड करण्यासाठी सामंजस्य करार केला आहे.
  • आंध्र प्रदेशमधील सरकारी शाळांमध्ये मूलभूत शिक्षणाचे कायापालट करण्यासाठी जागतिक बँकेने 250 दशलक्ष कर्जास मान्यता दिली आहे.


हा लेख पॉलिसी बझच्या इंग्रजी आवृत्तीवर आधारित आहे जो 27 जून 2021 रोजी प्रकाशित झाला.

पॉलिसी बज़्ज़

विभिन्न कल्याणकारी योजनाओं में क्या घटित हो रहा है, इसको लेकर आपको हर 15 दिन के अंदर यह पॉलिसी बज़्ज़ अपडेट करता है ।


करोनावायरस आधारित खबरें

  • अल्पसंख्यक मामलों के मंत्रालय ने विभिन्न सामाजिक-शैक्षणिक संगठनों के साथ मिलकर ग्रामीण और दूरदराज के क्षेत्रों में कोविड-19 टीकाकरण के बारे में जागरूकता पैदा करने के लिए ‘जान है तो जहान है’ नामक एक राष्ट्रव्यापी अभियान शुरू किया है।
  • सरकार ने घोषणा की है कि एक नियोक्ता द्वारा किसी कर्मचारी को कोविड-19 उपचार के लिए भुगतान की गई राशि को आयकर से छूट दी जाएगी।
  • सरकार ने देश भर के एक लाख से अधिक कोविड-19 फ्रंटलाइन वर्कर्स के कौशल और हुनर के लिए ‘कस्टमाइज्ड क्रैश कोर्स प्रोग्राम’ शुरू किया है।

शिक्षा सबंधित खबरें

  • सरकार ने स्कूल बंद होने के दौरान घर-आधारित शिक्षा में माता-पिता की भागीदारी के लिए दिशा-निर्देश जारी किए हैं।
  • नेशनल काउंसिल ऑफ एप्लाइड इकोनॉमिक रिसर्च और केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (सीबीएसई) ने सीबीएसई से मान्यता प्राप्त स्कूलों में कौशल कार्यक्रमों को अपग्रेड करने के लिए एक समझौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं।
  • विश्व बैंक ने आंध्र प्रदेश के सरकारी स्कूलों में मूलभूत शिक्षा को बदलने के लिए 250 मिलियन डॉलर के ऋण को मंजूरी दी है।


यह लेख पॉलिसी बज़्ज़ के अंग्रेजी संस्करण पर आधारित है जो 27 जून 2021 को प्रकाशित हुआ था ।

‘People Don’t Want Us to Visit Them’

The ‘Inside Districts’ series launched in April 2020 is a one-of-its-kind attempt to capture the experiences of district and Block-level officials, panchayat functionaries, beneficiaries, and frontline workers, on their challenges and best practices.

This interview was conducted with an Anganwadi Worker in Jaipur, Rajasthan in Hindi on 30 May 2021, and has been translated.


Q: What kind of challenges are you facing in the second wave of the pandemic?

Anganwadi Worker (AWW): We are busy conducting door-to-door surveys. However, the problem is that people don’t want us to visit them. They say that they are completely okay and since we are coming from outside, we can potentially infect them.

Q: Are there any preschool educational activities being organised for children?

AWW: All educational activities are happening online. We receive learning material from an NGO, and we message the same to the parents of the students via mobile phone.

Q: What is your role in the COVID-19 vaccination drive? Are there any challenges?

AWW: I make people aware about the vaccination process and ask them to go and get vaccinated. If someone is apprehensive, I give them my example and tell them that I did not have severe side effects when I got vaccinated. We generally have multiple discussions with people who don’t want to get vaccinated. For the 18-44 years category, vaccines are not available as of now.


More experiences can be found on the dedicated Inside Districts platform.

Policy Buzz

Keep up-to-date with all that is happening in welfare policy with this curated selection of news, published every fortnight.


Coronavirus-focus News

  • Ministry of Minority Affairs along with various socio-educational organisations has launched a nationwide campaign called ‘Jaan Hai To Jahaan Hai’ to create awareness on COVID-19 vaccination in rural and remote areas.
  • The government has announced that the amounts paid by an employer to an employee for COVID-19 treatment will be exempt from income tax.
  • The government has launched ‘customized crash course programme for COVID-19 Frontline workers’ to skill and upskill over one lakh frontline workers across the country.


  • The government has released guidelines for parents’ participation in home-based learning during school closure.
  • The National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and have signed an MoU to upgrade the skilling programmes on offer at CBSE-affiliated schools.
  • The World Bank has approved a loan of 250 million dollars to transform foundational learning in the government schools of Andhra Pradesh.

Other News

  • According to NCAER, the Indian economy is likely to grow 8.4-10.1% for the current financial year as against a contraction of 7.3% in the last financial year.

महाराष्ट्र की एक पंचायत के कोविड-19 रोकथाम पर प्रयास

महाराष्ट्र में कोरोना की दूसरी लहर के दौरान ग्रामीण इलाकों में संक्रमण काफी बढ़ गया था | इस मुश्किल समय में पंचायत की ज़िम्मेदारियाँ काफी बढ़ गयीं | बहुत से विभागों और लोगों ने चुनौतियों को अवसर में बदला और आम जनता तक राहत पहुंचाने के लिए अपनी ज़िम्मेदारियों से कहीं बढ़कर काम किया | ‘बढ़ते कदम’ सीरीज़ के तहत हम कुछ ऐसी ही कहानियां आपके समक्ष प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं | यह कहानी सोलापुर जिले के घाटने गांव की है जिसने खुद को कोरोना मुक्त बनाने की पहल की |

घाटने गांव में मार्च तक एक भी मरीज़ नहीं थे, अप्रैल महीने के पहले सप्ताह में पहला मरीज़ मिला और इसके बाद मरीज़ों की संख्या बढ़ती चली गई | इसी दौरान गाँव के एक ही परिवार के दो सदस्यों की कोरोना से मौत हो जाने के कारण लोग घबरा गए |

गाँव के सरपंच ने स्थिति पर काबू पाने के लिए पंचायत सेक्रेटरी,आशा तथा आंगनवाड़ी कार्यकर्त्ता, शिक्षक की एक टीम बनाकर ‘बी पॉज़िटिव,अपना गांव रखें कोरोना नेगेटिव’ अभियान चलाया | यह टीम घर-घर जाकर परिवारों की जानकारी लेने लगी |

गांव में कोरोना जांच के दो कैंप लगवाकर मरीजों को ट्रेस किया गया और जो पॉज़िटिव थे उनको कोविड सेंटर भेजा गया | साथ ही जो लोग काम के कारण गांव से बाहर जाते थे उनका रैपिड एंटीजन टेस्ट करवाया गया | लोगों से नियमों का सख़्ती से पालन करवाने के लिए पुलिस विभाग की मदद भी ली गयी | गाँव के सरपंच ने लोगों को भरोसा दिलाया कि उनके सहयोग से वे गांव को फिर से खुशहाल बना पाएंगे |

पंचायत ने गाँव में पंचसूत्रीय अभियान चलाया जिसके अंतर्गत – १) मरीज़ों से संपर्क में रहना, २) कोरोना जांच करवाना, ३) उचित उपचार देना, ४) लोगों से नियमों का पालन करवाना तथा, ५) टीकाकरण के लिए लोगों को प्रेरित करना जैसे कार्यों पर ध्यान दिया गया |

‘मेरा परिवार, मेरी ज़िम्मेदारी’ नामक सरकारी मुहिम को भी गाँव में चलाया गया और लोगों की आयु, डायबिटीज, ब्लडप्रेशर, दमा व अन्य बीमारियों का रिकॉर्ड तैयार किया गया | शरीर के तापमान और ऑक्सीजन लेवल की भी नोट किया गया | प्रत्येक परिवार को ‘कोरोना सुरक्षा किट’ दिया गया जिसमे कुछ दवाओं के साथ-साथ मास्क, सेनिटैजर, डेटोल साबुन जैसी चीज़ें भी उपलब्ध कराई गयीं  |

इन सभी प्रयासों से गाँव कोरोना मुक्त हो गया लेकिन गाँव के पंचायत सेक्रेटरी का कहना है कि “लड़ाई अभी पूरी नहीं हुई है, गांव के सभी लोगों को जल्द से जल्द टीके लगावाने हैं” | पंचायत सेक्रेटरी ने यह भी कहा कि:-


“अभी गाँव ने सिर्फ पहली लड़ाई जीती है, लेकिन क्योंकि देश में कोरोना की तीसरी लहर की भी संभावना बताई जा रही है तो हमें तैयारी जारी रखनी है | इस लहर में बच्चों के ऊपर ज्यादा प्रभाव देखने को मिलेगा ऐसा कहा जा रहा है | इस स्थिति को रोकने के लिए हम योजना बना रहे हैं | हमारी टीम घर- घर जाकर 18 साल तक के बच्चों की पूरी जानकारी एकत्रित करने का काम करेगी | बच्चों को पहले से अगर कोई बीमारी है या वे कुपोषित हैं तो यह भी नोट किया जाएगा | गांव में डॉक्टर को बुलाकर बच्चों की इम्युनिटी कैसे बढ़ा सकते है यह जानकारी माता-पिता को दी जाएगी’ |

घाटने गांव की कहानी को मीडिया ने कवर किया | महाराष्ट्र के मुख्यमंत्री ने भी गाँव के प्रयासों और सूझबूझ की प्रशंसा की है |

‘Got Tested for COVID-19 Twice, Did Not Receive Reports’

The ‘Inside Districts’ series launched in April 2020 is a one-of-its-kind attempt to capture the experiences of district and Block-level officials, panchayat functionaries, beneficiaries, and frontline workers, on their challenges and best practices.

As the second wave hits India in 2021, and given the unprecedented situation, we will also be capturing the experiences of staff from the 5 states in which we have a permanent presence. These are Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan. We will be publishing insights from NGO efforts as well. 

This interview was conducted with Uday Shankar who is a Senior PAISA Associate at the Accountability Initiative, Centre for Policy Research. He lives in the Aurangabad district of Bihar.


Q: Have you been vaccinated in the 18+ category? If yes, when, where, and what was the procedure like?

Uday: No, I have not been able to find a slot yet. As of now, vaccines are not available in the district in proportion to the population and, thus, it is not possible to provide vaccines to everyone immediately.

Q: Have you been told of arrangements made by the local administration for people who are very sick?

Uday: So far, no information has been given to me or my family by the local administration about the arrangements made by the government for people who are very sick. However, through the local newspaper or news channel, we do get to know about the arrangements made by the government.

Q: If there was a sick member in your family, what kind of healthcare arrangements were provided to you by the government?

Uday: Last month, my mother and I got sick. We both went to the district hospital for COVID-19 testing. The hospital had a very poor system, no social distancing was ensured among the people who had come to get the test done. We got our tests done.

After two days, the soft copy of my mother’s report was sent across via text message, but mine was not. I went to the hospital again to give my sample for a second time, but I didn’t receive the report of the second test either.

Afterwards, I went to a doctor since I was ill, but he refused to see me or treat me without a COVID-19 report. I was stuck! I didn’t know where to go and seek treatment. At that time, my temperature was around 102-103 degrees Fahrenheit. An MLC (Member of Legislative Council) had to talk to the doctor for me, and he agreed to see me then.

Q: Do you know of instances where COVID-19 patients were able to access healthcare or oxygen cylinders? How did they do this in your village?

Uday: I don’t know of anybody who was COVID-19 positive and got all the required facilities in a government hospital. One of my neighbours was COVID-19 positive and his oxygen level dropped to less than 70. He was not able to get admitted in the district hospital because beds or oxygen support were not available. The district hospital referred him to Patna.

Instead of going to Patna, he got himself admitted in a private hospital where he had to purchase oxygen cylinders in the black market for Rs. 30,000-35,000 per cylinder. He paid a hefty amount to the private hospital for his treatment. Now he is healthy and back home.

Q: How are cases being discovered? What steps are frontline workers and the government administration taking once cases are identified?

Uday: Frontline workers have not come to my locality yet. However, I have heard that they are going door-to-door to track COVID-19 patients. The people who are coming to the village from outside are also being tested.

Q: Are Anganwadi centres functional in your village? What services are they providing?

Uday: Anganwadi centres are functioning in my village. They are providing all services except conducting pre-primary classes for children.


More experiences can be found on the dedicated Inside Districts platform.

पॉलिसी बझ

कल्याणकारी धोरणात जे घडत आहे त्या प्रत्येक पंधरवड्यात प्रकाशित झालेल्या बातम्यांच्या निवडीसह अद्ययावत रहा.


कोरोना संबंधित बातम्या

  • 21 जूनपासून 18 किंवा त्यापेक्षा जास्त वयाच्या प्रत्येक नागरिकास केंद्र किंवा राज्य सरकारद्वारे चालवलेल्या लसीकरण केंद्रांवर मोफत लस दिली जाईल.
  • केंद्र सरकारने खासगी रुग्णालयांमधील कोविड-19 लसीची किंमत ठरविली आहे. कोवाक्सिन, कोविशिल्ट आणि स्पुतनिक -व्ही लसची कमाल किंमत अनुक्रमे 1,410 रुपये, 780 रुपये आणि 1,145 रुपये एक डोससाठी निश्चित केली गेली आहे.
  • आय.सी.एम.आर या महिन्यात ‘कोविड -19 साठी राष्ट्रीय सेरो-सर्वेक्षण’ ची चौथी फेरी घेणार आहे. पहिल्या तीन फेऱ्या घेण्यात आलेल्या त्याच 70 जिल्ह्यांमध्ये हे सेरो-सर्वेक्षण केले जाईल.
  • कोविड -19 च्या प्रसाराला आळा घालण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्र सरकारने ‘कोरोनामुक्त गाव’ स्पर्धा जाहीर केली आहे, ज्यात प्रत्येक महसूल विभागातील तीन गावांना ₹ 50 लाखांपर्यंतचे बक्षीस दिले जाईल.
  • जम्मू आणि काश्मीरमधील बांदीपोरा जिल्ह्यातील वेयान हे गाव, संपूर्ण प्रौढ लोकांचे लसीकरण करणारे देशातील पहिले गाव बनले आहे.

धोरणा संबंधित बातम्या

  • प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना – शहरी (पीएमएवाय-यू) अंतर्गत केंद्र सरकारने जवळपास 3. 61 लाख घरे बांधण्यास मान्यता दिली आहे.
  • केरळने निति आयोगच्या सतत विकास लक्ष (एसडीजी) निर्देशांक 2020 -21 मध्ये अव्वल स्थान कायम राखले आहे.

शिक्षण संबंधित बातम्या

  • शिक्षण मंत्रालयाने शाळाबाह्य मुलांचा डेटा संकलन आणि त्यांना विशेष प्रशिक्षण केंद्रे (एसटीसी) सह मॅपिंगसाठी (PRABANDH) प्रबंध पोर्टल वर एक ऑनलाइन मॉड्यूल विकसित केले आहे.
  • दिव्यांग मुलांसाठी ई-सामग्रीच्या विकासासाठी केंद्र सरकारने नवीन मार्गदर्शक सूचना जारी केल्या आहेत.
  • मंत्रालयाने अखिल भारतीय उच्च शिक्षण सर्वेक्षण अहवाल 2019-20 जाहिर केला आहे. अहवालानुसार गेल्या पाच वर्षांत विद्यार्थ्यांच्या पटसंख्या 11.4 टक्क्यांनी वाढली आहे.

इतर बातम्या

  • आंतरराष्ट्रीय कामगार संघटना आणि युनिसेफच्या अहवालानुसार, जगभरातील बाल मजुरांची संख्या 160 दशलक्षांवर पोचली आहे. लाखोहून अधिक संख्या कोविड -19 च्या प्रभावामुळे धोक्यात आहे.


हा लेख पॉलिसी बझच्या इंग्रजी आवृत्तीवर आधारित आहे जो 13 जून 2021 रोजी प्रकाशित झाला.