Policy Buzz

Keep up-to-date with all that is happening in welfare policy with this curated selection of news, published every fortnight.


Policy News

  • Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, the government has approved the construction of over 1.68 lakh houses in urban areas, taking the total number of houses sanctioned so far to 1.1 crore.
  • With the initiation of the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme for farmers, Madhya Pradesh is leading in power sector reforms. These reforms are meant to create a transparent provision of power subsidy to farmers.
  • Under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana-3.0, the government will start skills training in 600 districts, and train 8 lakh candidates over the next three months with a focus on Covid-related skills.
  • Uttarakhand government announced that it is increasing the work days under MGNREGA from 100-150 days per year.
  • The University Grants Commission (UGC) has asked the higher education institutes to establish an office for international affairs. These offices will be an “integral part of internationalisation of higher education in India”.
  • The government is going to launch Startup India Seed Fund, a Rs 1,000-crore seed fund for startups, to help startups with the initial capital for growth and operations.

Coronavirus-focus News

  • The government is using Rapid Assessment System for processing feedback on covid vaccination. The feedback system will ensure that all norms are followed during the vaccination process.
  • India will supply COVID-19 vaccines under grant assistance to Bhutan, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and Seychelles in a phased manner keeping in view the domestic requirements.


  • The Global Risks Report 2021, released by the World Economic Forum, states that infectious diseases, environmental risks, and economic troubles stand as the highest risks for the next ten years.

Ways to Connect with Us!

Every year we, at Accountability Initiative, publish evidence-based research on government schemes, budgets, and matters related to public administration. We also leverage this research to promote public discussion. Our vision is to enable Responsive Governance.

Below are the ways in which you can access our knowledge offerings and be a part of our online community.

पॉलिसी बझ

कल्याणकारी धोरणात जे घडत आहे त्या प्रत्येक पंधरवड्यात प्रकाशित झालेल्या बातम्यांच्या निवडीसह अद्ययावत रहा.


धोरणा संबंधित बातम्या

  • केंद्रीय औषध आणि मानक समितीने (CDSCO) भारत बायोटेक आणि सीरम इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा कोविड –19 च्या औपचारिकरित्या लस मंजूर केल्या आहेत.
  • सांख्यिकी व कार्यक्रम अंमलबजावणी मंत्रालयाच्या मते, 2020-21 मध्ये भारताचे सकल देशांतर्गत उत्पादन (GDP) 7.7 टक्क्यांनी कमी होईल.
  • केंद्र सरकारने औद्योगिक विकासाच्या उद्देशाने जम्मू-काश्मीरसाठी ₹ 28,400 कोटी रुपयांच्या नवीन औद्योगिक विकास योजनेस मान्यता दिली आहे.
  • आंध्र प्रदेश आणि मध्य प्रदेशानंतर तेलंगणा हे शहरी स्थानिक संस्था सुधार लागू करणारे तिसरे राज्य बनले आहे.
  • पंजाब सरकारने राज्यातील शाळा-महाविद्यालयीन मुलींसाठी मोफत सॅनिटरी पॅड्ससह अनेक कल्याणकारी योजनांची घोषणा केली आहे.


  • भारताने संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद (UNSC) च्या कायमस्वरुपी सभासद म्हणून आठव्या कार्यकाल सुरू केले. हे UNSC च्या तीन महत्त्वपूर्ण समित्यांचे अध्यक्ष असतील.


हा लेख पॉलिसी बझच्या इंग्रजी आवृत्तीवर आधारित आहे जो 10 जनवरी 2021 रोजी प्रकाशित झाला.

The Policy Conundrum of Regulating Free Speech: Can Social Media Platforms Do the Job?

I ended my last blog five weeks back with asking whether, shorn of all other options, we are looking towards controlling the internet as the sole effective remedy against hate speech and fake news. I also wondered whether (if we adopt such harsh measures) we do not forsake the freedom of speech itself? Simultaneously, I resolved that I must be regular with my weekly blogs; slothfulness would be banished as I approached the New Year.

Alas, that was not to be! Every time that I sat down to write my blog, something earthshaking happened in the internet ecosystem, with dire ramifications on the political and social landscape of the world.

This is a cliché, but a lot has happened in the last month, which has a bearing on the question of how we can preserve a climate of the responsible use of the freedom of expression. I hate to use the word ‘responsible’, but there is no less offensive way to put it.

Witness what we have seen over the last week or so, in the USA. The sitting President, long of the view that his defeat in the recent Presidential election by his rival was an instance of an election being ‘stolen’, continued airing his views in language that was – to the reasonable viewer – blunt, unequivocal and often, offensive. His anger culminated in him and his team instigating their supporters to show their ‘strength’ on 6th January, which they proceeded to do by arriving at the National Capitol building in Washington, fully armed and prepared for violence.

They not only laid siege to the Capitol but broke through a flimsy cordon of security personnel and proceeded to damage the building and enter it with, what the world saw, was violent intent. Legislators who were debating the results of the Presidential election were escorted to safe passage, even as the crowd raised cries to hang the Chair of the session, the Vice President, and put up a gallows outside the building just in case their intent was in doubt. When the crowd was pushed back after considerable violence – five people eventually lost their lives due to this incident – the legislators upheld the validity of the election.

The President used social media to show his lack of repentance, and given the instigating tone of his statements, two of the largest social media platforms that he used with good effect – Twitter and Facebook – first took down his communications, and then suspended his accounts permanently. As of now, even as Impeachment proceedings have begun against the President, some say that he has announced his intention to start his own social media platform.

Let us tear our senses away from these stranger than fiction facts and focus on the implications of what the President said, to the response of social media platforms that he used. From a purist sense, the President had the freedom to express whatever he pleased, whether we agree with his statements or otherwise. That is singularly true of the USA, where hardly any curbs are placed on the freedom of expression. True, his utterances directly lead to this unprecedented attack on a seat of government by a violent mob, something that raised a hollow laugh in those who mocked America’s usual holier-than-thou posturing as the guardian of human freedoms. For that, his followers and he would face legal consequences, some of which are underway.

Yet, from the context of how regulation of the freedom of speech is best done, the response of Twitter and Facebook in banning the President forever from their platforms, has significant long-term implications.


The simple question, from a regulatory perspective, is whether a platform provider has the sole right to regulate content on the platform, and go to the extent of banning a user.


At first sight, that question seems to be a no-brainer since the platform provider is the owner of the platform, and anybody who uses it assents to the community standards prescribed by it. Any violation of these standards would invite adverse action, including banning – temporarily or permanently – from the platform.

Yet a closer look would reveal ambiguities and contradictions in this approach.

Consider this. A platform provider is not considered responsible for the veracity and the legal nature of all that is communicated on that platform. Both the US and India have similar legal protections in this regard. In India, this protection from the vicarious liability of the platform provider for the posts of their users was hard won through a Supreme Court judgement.

On the other hand, even as the platform provider enjoys immunity from legal consequences for the actions of their users, the platform provider also has the unilateral power to consider the content posted by users and take action to ban them from using their platforms if they so wish.

That looks decidedly unfair.

Furthermore, when a platform provider has the unilateral power to decide what violates community standards and what does not, it could be misused in ways yet unknown. We have seen problems with Facebook, for instance, in both India and the US, where they were summoned by legislators and grilled in hearings as to how they actually use their discretion to decide what is objectionable.

In India, Facebook’s reputation suffered when it turned out that a senior staffer was lenient to certain hate generating voices, ostensibly on the ground that taking a hard line against such voices might affect the expansion of Facebook’s business. The person concerned resigned from the company in the wake of these disclosures.

Therefore, if regulation of the freedom of expression by a platform provider is not an ideal answer, are there other choices? More of that in my next blog.

T.R. Raghunandan is an Advisor at the Accountability Initiative.

पॉलिसी बज़्ज़

विभिन्न कल्याणकारी योजनाओं में क्या घटित हो रहा है, इसको लेकर आपको हर 15 दिन के अंदर यह पॉलिसी बज़्ज़ अपडेट करता है |


नीतियों से सबंधित खबरें

  • केंद्रीय ड्रग्स और मानक समिति (CDSCO) ने भारत बायोटेक और सीरम इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा बनाये गए कोविड-19 टीके को औपचारिक रूप से स्वीकृत दे दी है |
  • सांख्यिकी और कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयन मंत्रालय के अनुसार, भारत के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद (GDP) में 2020-21 में 7 प्रतिशत की कमी आएगी |
  • केंद्र सरकार ने औद्योगकी विकास के उद्देश्य से जम्मू और कश्मीर के लिए 28,400 करोड़ की एक नई औद्योगिक विकास योजना को मंजूरी दी है |
  • आंध्र प्रदेश और मध्य प्रदेश के बाद, तेलंगाना शहरी स्थानीय निकाय सुधार को लागू करने वाला तीसरा राज्य बन गया है |
  • पंजाब सरकार ने राज्य में स्कूल और कॉलेज जाने वाली लड़कियों के लिए मुफ्त सैनिटरी पैड सहित कई अन्य कल्याणकारी योजनाओं की घोषणा की है |


  • भारत ने संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद (UNSC) के गैर-स्थायी सदस्य के रूप में अपना आठवां कार्यकाल शुरू किया | भारत UNSC की तीन महत्वपूर्ण समितियों की अध्यक्षता भी करेगा |


यह लेख पॉलिसी बज़्ज़ के अंग्रेजी संस्करण पर आधारित है जो 10 जनवरी 2021 को प्रकाशित हुआ था |

‘I Don’t Want to Send My Child to School Right Now’

The ‘Inside Districts’ series launched in April is a one-of-its-kind attempt to capture the experiences of district and Block-level officials, panchayat functionaries, beneficiaries and frontline workers, on their challenges and best practices.

This interview was conducted with a beneficiary in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh in Hindi on 23 October 2020, and has been translated.


Q. Are you willing to send your child to school?

Beneficiary: As of now, I don’t want to send my child to school. I don’t know who is coming to the school. I don’t want to put my child in danger!

However, I have filled the form that was given by the school, in which it was written that we are sending our child to school voluntarily.

Q. What kind of security and facilities do you think should be provided in the school, that will make you confident to send your child to school?

Beneficiary: I don’t want to send my child to school right now, but in case I am sending, there should be cleanliness and a facility to wash hands frequently.

It should also be ensured that children maintain social distancing, and everyone, including teachers and staff, wear masks all the time.

Q. How has the learning environment changed for your child in the last six months?

Beneficiary: We have to pay more attention to their studies now. I can’t understand much, so my elder child teaches my younger child. All of this has been very difficult for us because we are not very educated. This new way of teaching-learning is not good. Children are getting habitual of using phones all the time. It is much better if the teacher teaches in the school itself because they know what to teach and how to teach.


More experiences can be found on the dedicated Inside Districts platform.

Policy Buzz

Keep up-to-date with all that is happening in welfare policy with this curated selection of news, published every fortnight.


Policy News

  • Central Drugs and Standards Committee (CDSCO) has formally approved vaccines for COVID-19 by Bharat Biotech and Serum Institute of India (SII). Both the approvals accorded are for “restricted use in emergency situation”
  • According to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, India’s gross domestic product (GDP) will contract by 7.7 per cent in 2020-21.
  • The Union government has approved a new industrial development scheme worth ₹28,400 crore for Jammu and Kashmir with the aim to bring industrial development.
  • After Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, Telangana became the third State to implement the urban local body reform. The State has now become eligible for additional borrowing of ₹7,406 crore.
  • Punjab government announced a number of welfare schemes, including free sanitary pads for school and college-going girls in the state.


  • India began its eighth term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). It will chair three important committees of the UNSC.

पंचायती राज संस्थाओं का महत्व

पंचायती राज व्यवस्था तथा उसका महत्त्व भारतीय संविधान के 73वें एवं 74वें संशोधन में स्पष्ट रूप से उल्लेखित है | सभी राज्यों को प्रत्येक पांच वर्ष में पंचायत चुनाव करवाना अनिवार्य है |

मध्य प्रदेश में पंचायती राज संस्थाओं का कार्यकाल मार्च 2020 में समाप्त हो चुका था, तथा इसके लिए सरकार की गतिविधियों के बारे में मीडिया में काफी चर्चाएं भी चल रहीं थी | बाकी राज्यों की तरह यहाँ भी लोगों द्वारा यह उम्मीद की जा रही थी कि चुनाव तय समय पर ही कराये जाएंगे |

लेकिन कोविड-19 के संक्रमण को देखते हुए मध्य प्रदेश में ग्राम पंचायत और नगरीय निकाय चुनाव तीन महीने के लिए स्थगित कर दिए गए हैं | राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग ने आदेश जारी कर कहा है कि अब ये चुनाव 20 फरवरी 2021 के बाद कराए जाएँ | हालांकि इसी कोरोना काल में राजस्थान में पंचायती राज चुनाव हुए तथा हिमाचल प्रदेश में पंचायती राज संस्थाओं के चुनाव होने जा रहे हैं |

यह समझना बेहद जरुरी है कि जब पंचायती राज संस्थाओं को संवैधानिक दर्जा दिया गया तो उसके पीछे मंशा यही थी कि एक ऐसी सरकार हो जो स्थानीय लोगों की आवाज़ बन पाए तथा उन्हें वे सभी हक़ मुहैया करवाये, जिसके वे हकदार हैं |

पंचायती राज संस्थाएं यह सुनिश्चित करती हैं कि:

  • स्थानीय स्तर पर जनता का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हुए स्थानीय समस्याओं को सुनने और सुलझाने का प्रयास किया जाए |
  • उच्च सरकार द्वारा चलाई जा रही योजनाओं का लाभ समाज के कमज़ोर और वंचित तबके तक पहुँच पाए |
  • विकास कार्य बिना किसी रूकावट के चलते रहें |
  • लोगों को भरोसे में लेते हुए शासन में उनकी भागीदारी को बढ़ाया जाए |

कोविड-19 महामारी के दौरान पंचायतों के प्रतिनिधियों ने हर तरह से प्रशासन के साथ जुड़कर अपनी भूमिका के महत्व को दर्शाया है चाहे वह मास्क एवं सेनेटाईजर के वितरण की बात हो या फिर ज़रूरतमंद लोगों तक राशन पहुँचाने की व्यवस्था |

पंचायती राज संस्थाओं को सभी ज़रूरी संसाधन उपलब्ध कराये जाएँ तो अपनी बढ़ी हुई क्षमता से यह संस्थाएं ग्रामीण लोगों के लिए बेहतर सुविधाएं प्रदान करने में सक्षम होती हैं |


Also read: How States Drag their Feet on Citizens’ Participation in Urban Governance: A Case Study

Insights on Civil Society-Local Government Coordination

Last month, the Accountability Initiative hosted a panel discussion on ‘Capacity Building for Better Coordination with the Local Government’, as part of the Badhte Kadam webinar. The panel deliberated on the relationship between the civil society and the government, and their dynamics. 

The panel was moderated by Rajika Seth, Lead- Learning and Development at the Accountability Initiative. The panellists were Ronak Shah from Sewa Mandir, Rajasthan; Sanjay Kumar from Pratham, Bihar; and P. Anandhi, an IAS officer. 

The discussion began with Mr. Shah, who spoke of how the space for civil society and the government to come together and dialogue has shrunk. He discussed the challenges that both face while working with each other, and said that it is important for the two sides to understand each other and have humility in order to build mutual trust.

Mr. Shah also emphasised how important it was to have a decentralised decision-making process while working on solving local problems.

Mr. Shah highlighted the importance of understanding the structure of the government, the roles and responsibilities of officials and the decision-making process.

Taking the conversation forward, Mr. Kumar shared his experience of working with local governments. Awareness is important, and so is an understanding government schemes, related processes and learning about who can benefit from these schemes and how. While talking about the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP), he said that there should be dialogue between Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the Gram Panchayat to discuss local problems, and strategies should be created accordingly.

Ms. Anandhi presented another perspective. Touching upon what Mr. Shah had to say on the shrinking of space to dialogue, she spoke about a potential pitfall. “It is difficult for the officials [government] to decide which organisation is doing good work amid the many that exist. It’s easier to form partnerships with well-known organisations. However, it is difficult to know about the newer ones that are doing equally good work at the grassroots. There is a lack of awareness on both sides,” she said.

She also discussed how every government has certain priorities. CSOs should talk to the local government and figure common tasks that they would like to do among the ones that the government prioritises.

Concluding the discussion Ms. Seth highlighted the importance of understanding the structure of the government system. The panel discussion ended with a ‘Q & A’ round where panellists answered the questions of people present in the audience. This is available in the session’s video. 



Also Read: स्थानीय सरकार से बहेतर तालमेल के लिए क्षमता निर्माण

Repivoting in a Difficult Year

In 2020, we rapidly responded to a changed situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We did this to build evidence, deepen public debate, and catalyse reforms. With each attempt, we scaled new challenges, and thereby produced a body of work which sought to document the ways in which the public system has responded to an unprecedented crisis. Below you will find a brief of our work.


January & February


Collaborating with the Meghalaya Government 

We opened the year with a significant milestone for providing long-term, direct institutional support to state-level policymakers. In January 2020, we signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Meghalaya to provide research support to the Planning and Finance Department in the state. Over the year, we contributed to several short studies, including:

  • The preparation of fiscal dashboards for real-time budget and expenditure tracking; 
  • Analysis of debt sustainability;
  • Analysis of household surveys conducted by the Meghalaya government, and; 
  • Contributed to the preparation of the Report of the Chief Ministers Task Force on the Economy. 


Budget Briefs

Our team also brought out the 12th volume of the flagship Budget Briefs series. These contained analyses on trends in allocations and expenditures of 13 major Centrally Sponsored Schemes, covering health and nutrition, education, social protection and rural development. For ease of access to view these, visit here





Ecological fiscal transfers 

In 2015, India established the world’s largest system of Ecological Fiscal Transfers (EFTs) when the 14th Finance Commission added forest cover to its formula for distribution of tax revenue to states. Our co-authored study entitled Did India’s ecological fiscal transfers incentivize state governments to increase their forestry budgets? analysed state-wise data on forestry budgets to assess whether India’s EFTs incentivised states to protect and restore forests, as evidenced by increases to their forestry budgets. The findings were published in the Journal of Environmental Research Communications.


A new launch to Bring the Development Community Together 

March onwards we began a collaborative effort on the COVID-19 response. The vision was to bring together organisations who are working on combating the short, medium and long-term challenges posed by the pandemic, in order to develop a deeper understanding of the policy response and implementation gaps. Thus was born- PULSE  (Platform to Understand, Learn, Share and Exchange) for Development.

The virtual platform currently hosts 85 organisations and 249 individual members. The users include funders, government officials, practitioners, researchers, and grassroots organisations in the development sector. We hosted webinars as well, such as:

  • Social Protection in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh (UP): The event included short presentations by speakers from organisations working in the two states. They offered insights on aspects like the mechanism and processes for delivering social protection, both cash and food; major constraints from the government administration’s perspective; and key actions and supportive mechanisms to smoothen the flow of relief. The session saw more than 100 attendees, and can be revisited here
  • Policy Dialogue on Accountability in Nutrition: This webinar was co-hosted with IPE Global, a member of PULSE for Development. The discussion covered social audits in Jharkhand, insights from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, social audits in Odisha, and an overview of social audit processes. The ‘Q&A’ session with audience members touched on technology, engaging panchayats, potential backlash, and elite capture. The session, whose summary is available here, saw more than 140 attendees.  


In addition, the platform has regularly hosted coffee chats on a range of issues, including livelihoods, district information systems, frontline bureaucracy, frontline workers, social protection schemes, and gender. You too can register your organisation from here


Building Evidence: 20+ briefs, reports, working papers published in 2020


Commentary published in ETV Bharat, Southern Voice, Hindustan Times, The Hindu, The Wire, Deccan Herald, Feminism in India, POSHAN Outlook, Scroll, Youth ki Awaaz, Rajasthan Patrika, India Development Review, The Diplomat , among others





Social security in India’s States

Even as the states have been at the forefront of the pandemic response, there are key areas which need significant short and medium-term interventions– such as health, agriculture and social protection, which are state subjects. In the brief entitled ‘Redesigning India’s Social Protection Financing Architecture to meet the Challenge of COVID-19’, Centre for Policy Research (CPR) scholars chalked out a reformed architecture, based on the principles of decentralisation, consolidation, and convergence. Download the brief from here

The series forms part of the CPR’s attempt to capture through evidence-based analyses and research, the broader policy direction during the pandemic. You can view the resource from here


The pandemic response inside India’s districts

After the country-wide lockdown, we started documenting the perspectives of government workers and officials working in the frontlines in rural India, which continued till the end of the year. This human interest series – called Inside Districts– poignantly captures their challenges and solutioneering in five major Indian states. 

We have published the interviews of these frontline workers as a public resource. These provide numerous entry points for rethinking the role of frontline workers, their relationship with the upper bureaucracy, and their contribution in making social safety nets stronger. You can read the interviews here


Training government officials during the pandemic 

The last two days of April were spent conducting a session on ‘Understanding public policy design and evaluation’ with probationers at the National Academy of Audits and Accounts, Shimla. The session was held online owing to travel restrictions (a first of a kind attempt by us) and began with an introduction to public policy design.

This was followed by a case study of education policy in India to enable participants to dive into public policy design, and reflect upon accountability mechanisms within public policy. Through different activities during the sessions, the training pushed participants to undertake a critical analysis of policy design and evaluation in India.




State finances

Social protection by the Union and state governments was a running theme throughout the year. Understanding the ability of states to craft adequate social protection responses requires an overview of their fiscal health. In a timely analysis, we brought out a working paper entitled the Study of State Finances 2020-21’, which delved into the revenue and expenditure performance of 17 states prior to the pandemic.

The study showed that states were in weak fiscal positions even before the pandemic. The Week published a piece based on the Working Paper.




Restrategising nutrition policy and financing 

Our research work on nutrition too accelerated this year. A notable example has been an analysis on nutrition financing design, published by the Seminar magazine. The piece explored the ways in which a fragmented system can be made dynamic and responsive.

A policy note co-published with IFPRI-POSHAN, delved into the cost implications of the nutrition policy landscape in 2019-20. Among its findings were- India should have spent at least ₹38,571 crore in 2019-20, across Union government ministries and state government departments to fully finance a set of core direct nutrition interventions (DNIs), at scale. The research carried forward critical studies that have costed for nutrition interventions. Findings were shared with the government, sector experts and scholars on multiple occasions.

Of note is the third implementation research conference- Delivering for Nutrition in India: Insights from Implementation Research– which we co-hosted in September. A special panel was curated on systems strengthening of human resources, infrastructure and financing. More details can be found here.

The year ended with another policy note on the pandemic’s impact on nutrition, specifically focussing on core nutrition-specific interventions for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children under six years of age. 

In a similar vein, we co-organised a webinar later in the year with IEG and UNICEF India, to understand how development partners and civil society organisations can come together to support India’s states in enhancing the Anemia Mukt Bharat programme’s financial efficiency.


200+ government and development staff trained 

Hosted 8 major events, directly reaching out to over 2,000+ people


July & August


State-based education finances 

The Accountability Initiative has over a decade’s experience in looking at the public education system. This year, we released a report that presented the trends in public expenditure on school education across eight Indian states from 2014-15 to 2017-18. The report aimed to understand the prioritisation given to different functional areas within school education, and the contribution of Union government schemes as opposed to the states’ own budgetary resources. 

Findings were shared with sector experts during a digital roundtable, under the larger conceptual umbrella of  challenges in school education financing in the COVID-19 era.


A lookback on India’s pandemic response

The pandemic has severely disrupted both nutrition and education. From 31st July to 19th August, we hosted the ‘India’s Pandemic Response’ virtual event to unpack the policy response of the Union and state governments. Many decisions have been taken by the government to curb the spread of the contagion, and secure the welfare of citizens. The aim of this event was to provide a comprehensive overview of these decisions as well as challenges, successes, and best practices. 

In this one-of-a-kind virtual attempt, we organised three webinars, and also released several interactive knowledge offerings, details of which can be found in this blog.


Engaging Young Fellows

As part of our Learning and Development work, the team conducted sessions on the ‘Modalities of government finance and budgeting in the social sector‘ at the CMGGA Induction Programme as well as the DDF Induction programme. Both fellowships are run by Ashoka University in collaboration with the Haryana and Punjab governments respectively. A similar session was also held with LAMP Fellows. About 100 young people were trained on: basics of finance and budget in governance; analysis of fiscal systems within the government machinery; and gaps in implementation.


Exclusive resource for state-based development workers

Launched as a knowledge resource in 2019, the Humaarisarkaar.in website grew to over 1,000 users accessing information on government functioning. Among the prominent stories covered during the year have been: the pandemic’s impact on the public system; Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh panchayat elections; and the Bihar legislative assembly elections.

A special feature called Humse Sawaal Puchcho was introduced this year, and invites questions from readers on government functioning. Responses to queries from Bihar and Rajasthan have led to on-ground impact. More on what these have looked like can be found here and here




A new way of teaching-learning 

Not only did our knowledge offerings go digital, we also recrafted our trainings to suit the extended pandemic lockdown. We returned to the Indian School of Development Management for the fourth consecutive year, albeit virtually. Our flagship course ‘Understanding State Capabilities’ was offered to 38 students for a week.

In the course, participants are equipped to understand the root causes of administrative failure on the ground. The course also takes participants on a journey through India’s complex government system from the lens of decentralisation. 




The ‘Future of Governance’ forum

The online version of the Understanding State Capabilities course is open for public enrolment. This version was launched during the Future of Governance event co-hosted with Arthan from 7th-8th October. Curated by our Learning and Development team, the forum was an attempt to spark dialogue on the challenges and prospects of civil society-government collaboration in India.

The forum featured over 27 speakers, many of whom are leaders in public policy, non-profit, philanthropy and politics. They deliberated in five panel discussions; three masterclasses were also a part of the forum, which covered the conceptual underpinnings of citizen-government engagement. The forum saw more than 1,000 attendees.

A glimpse of the sessions held can be found in this blog. The videos of all the panel discussions can be accessed from here


Staff complete 10 years at the Accountability Initiative!

Many staff members celebrated 10 years with us. To mark the occasion, we posted their perspectives online, which you can read from here. Our staff are located in five states- Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.




Relooking social security 

In step with the passing of three labour reform laws by the Parliament, a policy brief entitled ‘Social Security for Informal Workers in India‘ explored India’s current labour market policies on provisioning of social security to informal workers in the unorganised sector. The brief specifically focussed on the Code on Social Security, 2020. An explainer covering the definition and scope of informality in India was also released in December. 




Hum Aur Humaari Sarkaar course goes virtual 

We started the year with the first ‘open application’ offline session of the Hum Aur Humaari Sarkaar learning programme (organised in Bhopal). Delivered in Hindi, the course unpacks India’s administrative structure, and the root causes of implementation failure at the last mile of public service delivery. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are critical to addressing this gap in service delivery as they can articulate the demands of the people, and hold the state accountable. Among others, staff from Pratham, Samarthan, Pehal participated in this session.  

Ending the year with a bang, we launched the online version of the Hum Aur Humaari Sarkaar course at the ‘Badhte Kadam’ forum, which also included a panel on ‘Capacities to engage with local administration more effectively’. An interactive zine based on the Inside Districts series was also released.  


Capturing the role of frontline workers

For the past two months our team has been busy conducting phone interviews with key Frontline Workers (FLWs) to understand their evolving roles, challenges and opportunities in the COVID-19 era across 2 states. These findings on the barriers to and facilitators of their performance, will be released in early 2021.